
Blade is an interesting character. He is the epitome of his species by being vampirical but gains his powers through birthright. He is African-American, which is not how most protagonist vampires are portrayed historically. He lives like he is a poor underground street hustler in a warehouse. Yet he has his multiple weapons and bullets made of silver, uses science and tech (ultra-violet light, chemicals), and vehicles for transportation. Meanwhile on the other end of the spectrum there is the counsel, and his nemesis for this movie Frost, who is a part of the white male power structure of the counsel all live opulently and don’t practice their supposed “forgotten faith” (Vampire Bible, Blood God etc..). Apart from Frost, they are old blood, old world, consider them the royalty of their species and wish to live a quiet unnoticed life (common of vamps). Frost on the other hand wishes to be above board, and craves unlimited power. Females are not portrayed as helpless victims in this series either. Sexuality is at its height, whether it was intended or not, in the scene towards the end where Blade bites the doctor. It is portrayed as an almost painful but orgasmic experience. Gender in the movie is played down some. Everyone is of equal opportunity to be victimized or turned. Blade is considered the chosen one from the prophecies, because he is a “daywalker” (vamp that unaffected by sunlight). It isn’t often that we see a vampire bent solely on revenge as is Blade’s motives. Often times we see them portrayed as searching for redemption of the soul in some form like Angelus from Buffy, or Vlad’s long lost love from Coppola’s version of Dracula. One could also see some parallels to other franchises like “Underworld”.  There are a lot of themes involved in this movie, gender, challenges to social and racial power structures, vampire lore, one can find a theme in some form if one but looks for it.       

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Blade the movie


Blade (Marvel universe)


Blade (anime)
